Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Let's call it EDM Challenge number 125. After all, a chicken is a bird. And while perhaps not majestic like an eagle, where would we be without them? No scrambled eggs for breakfast, no fried chicken Sunday dinners... Wait, here we go with the food theme again.

OK, I just like the way they look. Especially roosters. And their personalities have given us the word cocky. What's not to like.
acrylic on gessoed paper

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

A birthday gift

EDM Challenge #97 is to draw a present. This lovely cast iron Japanese teapot was a birthday gift from my daughter Kate. It came with a request to draw and post it on this blog. So here you go, Kate. Thank you for the beautiful gift. I enjoyed the drawing, and now I think I'll go make a cup of tea.

#2 pencil in my sketchbook