Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Easter cactus

EDM challenge 76 is draw some flowers. With a nod to Teri I'm submitting my Easter cactus, which is just beginning to bloom.

Pen, marker and colored pencil in my journal.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

New Mexico sketches

This conquistador helmet was one of several on display at the Albuquerque Museum of Art and History. This particular style is called a burgonet. Pencil in moleskine sketchbook.
The other sketch is of a wooden carving in the courtyard of Church Street Cafe. It's an example of the folk art called Santo, ie. wooden carving of saints or other religious figures. This one is Saint Francis, I believe. Pen and ink in moleskine.

Friday, May 4, 2007

A Sign of Spring

What better sign of spring (EDM challenge # 59) than the humble, persistent, ubiquitous dandelion? Bane to gardeners, but one can't help but admire the indomitable life force.